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Simple Ways to Design Engaging Social Media Graphics - Part 2

Updated: Oct 30, 2020

It's well established by now that content with images is more likely to be shared over social media. The best way to design these promotional visuals to really draw the attention of audiences, always keeps us observing for more cues. There are multiple factors to take into account when designing graphics for promoting your content on social media.

Get on with the first part of the blog in continuation of our series, if you haven’t already.


In terms of colors, the first thing that comes to mind is Contrast. That is light text/ images on a dark background or vice versa. For details, you can always refer to a color contrast checker and test if the colors you selected have a good contrast.

When placing text over a colorful background, be particular about finding a color for your text that will have good overall visibility.

Your chosen colors reflect your brand’s personality. The colors you select can make a lot of difference. Some colors are seen as fun. Others are seen as fresh. Some as established and trustworthy.

What do you want your colors to say about your business? That should guide your color choices.


Logo is great for improving brand recall, but its placement needs to be strategic. Journal of Marketing research shows audiences prefer high-placed logos for powerful brands, but low-placed logos for lesser known brands.

The size of your logo is vital. It should not be printed over the whole graphic or placed in the middle of your design as your logo shouldn't be your whole story.


If you are using social media promotion to build brand awareness and recognition, then try to keep consistency in your design.

You can do that in several different ways by being consistent with your:

  • Fonts

  • Colors

  • Using stock images or vector graphics (or a combination of both at the same time)

  • Logo usage and placement

  • Website URL usage and placement

  • Combination of everything above

Consistency makes all the difference when it comes to social media marketing.

Adjust Designs as per Your Target Audience

Graphic design is generally affected by your audience in two ways.

1. ‘Who’ is your audience? and

2. How visible you are to your audience?

Are you marketing to consumers or businesses? B2B or B2C? Determining the ‘who’ can provide you with the guidelines to create a powerful and effective image.

When marketing to consumers, be friendly and approachable. An informal, bright, light design or carefully chosen stock photos can achieve this.

When marketing to businesses, emphasize authority and capability to find a solution to their problems. B2B graphics may be more formal and much more informative as against the more casual approach B2C graphics might take.

If you're working within a highly saturated niche then you should consider customizing your approach so that you stand out to your audience.

Adapt designs to different social networks

We are aware that different social networks have their own set of users and different demographics. They also have their own unique ways of functioning, which signifies that exactly the same graphic may not be able to fit in all social channels and succeed. Your approach needs to be adjusted based on your platform.

Each network may have different requirements for the size of the picture/ graphic you want to use.

Always note that the type of image you use could affect the cost of promoting your content.

For instance, if the image you use for Facebook PPC contains a lot of text, your cost per click might increase. Facebook manages to do this through a smartly integrated algorithm which scans your chosen images for any included text.

Designing for social media needs insight, patience and efforts. It can't be done in a short cut way and rather needs to be approached like a long term strategy.

If you’ve been considering getting started with brand and business content production activities for growing your business, then consider partnering with us.

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